Barriers Worldwide | Barrera
Direct to Client

Director: Onda

Client: Barriers Worldwide

Agency: Direct to Client

Project Name: Barrera


Director: Onda
Production Company: ProdCo
Founding Partners / EPs: Ian Pons Jewell and Zico Judge
Cinematographer: Mike Koziel
Written By: Onda and Steven Barter
Movement & Screenplay: Onda


Brand: Barriers Worldwide


Service Production Company: Freenjoy
EPs: Nathan Scherrer & Tara Sheree


Colorist: Dante Pasquinelli


Production Design: Vera Jigalova

Sound Mix: Michael Figueroa

Sound Design: Klankwerk


1st AC: Corppuz

2nd AC: Te Lim



Soul Abraham

Justin Clarke

Jazmyn Kamalani

Ayaan Samet

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